LMC Observations for Chart 2
NGC 2155 See Chart 1
Object | Charts | Notes | Links |
NGC 2030 OC+Em neb 05h 35m 40.1s -66º 02' 08" | 2,5 | 175X This is the northernmost part of a very interesting field of the LMC. It is an irregularly shaped patch of luminosity and resolvable stars which appears to have two sections. The easternmost one is the larger of the two with quite a few resolvable stars and a spray of light to the south This part seems to have a V shape with the point, containing a bright knot, towards the west. The western section has only a few resolvable stars. Glows very strongly with UHC filter especially around the bright clump in the point of the V.
| Mass of the Supernova that Caused N63 (part of NGC 2030) - Journal article |
These are my own observation notes. Some notes by much more experienced and eloquent observers are available on the internet and I will endeavour to provide links to such reports as I track them down. I hope to complete observation notes on all the objects listed on the charts for both Large and Small Magellanic Clouds and to provide links alongside each of these notes to relevant web articles and to the objects on the charts. Hence this section of my own tabulated notes, which will be revised as I expand and improve my observations. If you have your own observation notes on Magellanic Cloud objects, please email me at patrick@cloudsofmagellan.net.au as I would love to post them on this site. Data for NGC and IC objects are from the NGC/IC project and those for other objects are from the ASNSW's presentation of catalogues revised and summarised by Mati Morel. The Digitised Sky Survey images have been downloaded from the Space Telescope Science Institute's web site and are 5'x5' unless the object is larger than this.
Object | Charts | Notes | Links |
NGC 2123 OC 05h 51m 43.4s -65º 19' 18" V 12.6 0.4' dia | 30/12/10 135X Fainter and smaller than nearby 2155, less than 1’ across round and regular
Object | Charts | Notes | Links |
NGC 2138 OC 05h 54m 48.8s -65º 50' 07" V 13.8 dia 0.3' | 30/12/10 135X Another quite faint disc of light <1’ across, sitting at the northern end of a small line of bright stars.